Surfcoast Anglican Parish

Torquay, Anglesea, Aireys Inlet

Parish News

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner


The Parish and their guests gathered together at St Lukes in Torquay to enjoy a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on 5th March. The guests included groups from the Lions Club, our Op Shop and St Therese's. Phil and Julie Shirley, the conveners of our Mainly Music Groups, were also guests. Phil gave an address about the reasons for Mainly Music and how it operates. Many thanks to Helen Clement and her team for providing the excellent food.

Revd Nay Htoo Khin is Farewelled


Revd Nay Htoo Khin was farewelled at a combined parish service at St Lukes on Sunday 23rd February. Revd Nay Htoo had been acting as Parish Locum while Revd Sharon has been on leave for the past two months. At the end of the service Revd Nay Htoo was presented with gifts by Church Warden Richard Kelly and Revd Irwin Faris. After the service the parish enjoyed a shared lunch in the parish hall.


U3A Recital at St Lukes

St Lukes Church in Torquay was again the venue for a Surf Coast U3A Organ and Song Recital by Tom Healey and his wife Helen on the Thursday 7th November.
Tom and Helen introduced each of the musical pieces with interesting anecdotes about their composers.
Below is a short sample of the music we were treated to.
We are blessed to have such talented musicians prepared to come and perform for us.

More Music at St Lukes

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St Lukes Church in Torquay was the venue for a wonderful concert of Baroque music on the afternoon of Sunday the 27th October. The concert was well attended with hardly a spare seat to be found in the Church.

The group "Musicians of the Great Ocean Road" performed concertos by Vivaldi, Telemann and Bach to the delight of the audience.

The group consisted of three violins, a viola, a cello, a flute and a harpsichord, which made for a glorious sound in the small church.

The concert began with movements from a Flute Concerto by Vivaldi and then a Viola Concerto by Telemann. The Spring Movement of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons was next, which was
followed by Bach's 5th Brandenburg Concerto.

The concert was a musical treat which was enjoyed by all who attended
. Torquay is truly blessed to have such talented musicians prepared to come and perform for us. Bravo.

Music in St Lukes 2024

Another Bach Violin Concert was held in St Lukes Church in Torquay on Sunday afternoon the 24th June. Violinist Olivier Bonnici performed six violin Sonatas and Partitas by Bach, much to the delight of the audience present.
The concert is part of a series of concerts being held at St Lukes by the local group, "Musicians of the Great Ocean Road".

The next concert will be on Sunday 25th August starting at 3pm and will be by Quatuor Oceanique with Allister Cox - Clarinet

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Rev'd Irwin Faris Retires

The Rev'd Irwin Faris celebrated his final regular Service at St Luke's Church in Torquay on Sunday 7 April. Rev'd Faris held the position of Assistant Priest in the Parish from 2001-2008. Rev'd Faris since then has had the Archbishop's Permission to officiate in the Diocese of Melbourne of which our Parish is part. In recent times he has been conducting a monthly Service at Lorne and celebrating Holy Communion at St. Luke's on the first Sunday of the Month. Rev'd Irwin has also had a crucial role in visiting the sick and elderly in the Parish. Irwin and wife Rosemary thankfully will not be leaving the parish but will remain with us as parishioners. We have been truly blessed to have had Irwin assisting in the life of the Parish.
In his Sermon today Rev'd Irwin preached on the passage about Doubting Thomas from John's Gospel
. You can read the text of the sermon by clicking the following link.

Parish Easter FĂȘte

Surfcoast Anglican Parish held its annual Parish Fête on Saturday 6th April at St Luke's in Torquay. The weather was cool and overcast and the forecast showers did not eventuate. Locals and visitors and their children took advantage of the pleasant weather and visited the Fête. As usual there were loads of home made produce, the Op Shop, face painting for children, great BBQ'ed sausages, cup cakes, a Coffee Kart, an Icecream Van, wooden toys, craftwork, a raffle and lots of plants. Members of the Parish and the Op Shop volunteers once again all worked together, and had fun, making for another memorable Fête.
This year the Fête raised $7585 for the Parish's ongoing projects.
Thank you to everyone for your hard work before and on Fête Day. Thanks also to all the members of the public who came to support us and opened their purses and wallets.

Easter Sunday

The Lord is Risen! He is Risen indeed. Happy Easter to all.
St Luke's was full to overflowing with locals and visitors for this Easter Sunday's Service. The congregation joyfully celebrated the Risen Christ.
Following the service the congregation moved outside to bless and officially open the new, long awaited, ramp and steps to the hall.

Easter Sunrise Service

The Easter Sunrise Service was held again this year by the Combined Torquay Christian Churches on Easter Sunday 31 March at Torquay's Cosy Corner. Local church leaders read the Gospel accounts of Jesus' resurrection, prayers were given and songs were sung. Rev'd Sharon delivered an excellent talk outlining the events of the first Easter morning. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

Music in St Lukes 2024

The Trio Oceanique held a concert at St Luke's in Torquay on Sunday the 24th March 2024. The concert program consisted of Violin, Viola and Cello compositions by Mozart, Boccherini, Sibelius and Ravel. The audience was treated to a wonderful musical experience.

The next concert will be on Sunday 23rd June starting at 3pm and will be a Meditation on Bach's Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin.

Baptisms at St Lukes

There were two Baptisms at St Luke’s on Sunday morning the 10th of March. Samuel and Katrina Lander brought their two daughters Imogen & Lucinda for Baptism. The St Luke’s congregation were delighted to welcome the two girls into the Christian Faith.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night

The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Night was held in St Luke’s Hall on the 13th February.
Thank you to everyone who supported Night. It takes a team to make the night such a success. Thank you to those who organised the night, set up the hall, cooked and served meals and cleaned up. Thanks as well to everyone for sharing conversation and hospitality in our church. We raised around $1300 which will be divided evenly between the Anglican Hospital in Gaza and major parish maintenance tasks.

Music at St Lukes

The Musicians of the Great Ocean Road held another concert at St Luke's in Torquay on Sunday Afternoon 13 August 2023. The concert, called De Canto, was performed by group 8 singers. They performed 16 unaccompanied musical items, ranging from Renaissance Songs, Traditional Folk Songs, Poems set to Music to Contemporary and Popular Songs. The audience, which filled St Luke's, was treated to a wonderful musical experience.

A Bach Violin Concert was held in St Lukes Church in Torquay on Sunday afternoon the 18th June. Violinist Olivier Bonnici performed twelve violin Sonatas and Partitas by Bach, much to the delight of the audience present.
The concert was the second of a series of concerts being held at St Lukes by the local group, "Musicians of the Great Ocean Road". Details of the next two concerts are shown below

Next Concert

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Baptisms and Confirmation

Bishop Brad Billings visited St Lukes in Torquay for a combined Parish Service on Sunday 18th June. Father Irwin stepped in for an ill Rev'd Sharon to baptise three young people into the Christian Faith. Bishop Brad then confirmed another. The church was filled to overflowing with the families of the candidates and parishioners from the two parish centres.

© 2024 Surfcoast Anglican Parish ABN 89 590 205 445